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margin control中文是什么意思

用"margin control"造句"margin control"怎么读"margin control" in a sentence


  • 边际控制
  • 边缘控制


  • The distribution of basement controls the distribution patterns of rock bodies and covers . large and super - large deposits usually lie in the margins of basement , ie , margin controlling deposits
  • Mr xeon say , director of refco forex limited explained : " traditionally , the foreign exchange market was somehow labeled as an over - the - counter product with limitations in a host of areas , specifically margin control , pricing spread execution , but most of all it was extremely cumbersome
    Refco forex limited董事徐瑞安解释:外汇市场传统地被标签为场外投资产品,加上杠杆比例控制买卖差价等交易环节的运作均极为烦琐。
用"margin control"造句  


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